En �ok Arananlar SSF4 Abuket, Delta-L, Fonto' AND 9762, Bant Ultra Negrito, trec, Ff Blur Light, godl, italiac, Corpulent-Caps, Wollstonecraft Romance, ornamen, montserrat roman bold')) AND 5332, homoarak, PortCondensed, seiz, StarJedi Special Edition, akc, old dreadful) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (8297, dingmap, DF Lei Ga So W9, amand, ambli, erac, BN s, comeon, deconumber, Big Blue Script Bold, futurastd heavyoblique, BD Doomed, dreaming ouloud, artbur, sf sports night'nvOpzp; AND 1, Dessa, SABL, senso, modern simple, fland, curf, juana thin, NewsGotSCT, SC128, Quoted, MCS Taybah E_U normal., astrona, light ssi, fussi, paral, eoi, DINPro Condensed Light, yours tryuly, mc_sweetie_heart, teaching print font, praying hands, Monkey Business, Minion Condensed, Bostonia Regular, siva, uggs, rounded modern, daup, onw, stonism, ADELONSERIAL, stw, dagu, tooth fairy, duin, LStd, Helvetica LTSD Romen, vintage bulb sign, mackin, CACHETSTD-BOOK, Helvetica Neue condensedbold, berthold akzident grotesk be, iClub grey, popl laudatio, imo, bodoni svty two itctt book, PF Centro Sans Pro Bold Italic, earth regular, neutra display bold, thica, bosch script, Kok, a gr, Pr6N H, Mr Keningbeck, BordeauxBackslant, menulist script, louis vuitton, lify, dingbats woman, iceskate, nex, genet, ogil, EurostileT Regu, doco, iniD, teko semibold, noki, latinelongated, Frutiger LT 65 Bold, JIY, galadri, fift, Barbedor EF, mongr, Enko, grett, parkav, gilard, wantedposter regular, lucida callig 36, amiro, sach, Tanrei Katakana2, ft34 bold, al, Ectaco Turkish, bodoni antique, sf archery black, Zurich Greek BT Bold, Koz Min std Heavy, blackchan, anoscript, chordette for guitar, TYC, AlternateGothic2 BT, Playtimewithhottoddies, Elephan, zall, beyo, hughes rough, vill, nairi, mudd, nute, nyp, odian, helvetica neue condence, visby round, Yesterday-Regular, sirk, Berthold akzidenz grotesque light extended, Neue Helvetica Pro 93 Ext WhatFontIs.com, VANG, Grobold, ohn, geor, Mostlios, slad, Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk Condensed bold, old dreadful ORDER BY 120, Modern TwoSxtn, universum bg, DINpro-CondBola, Monstrous Alphabet, baskerville ten pro bold, sutro open', antipod regular, humer, stoney, ebrea, AGROCHEM, ngage, piranhasexual, T 3D, micon, old dreadful));WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--, Univers 49 light ultra condensed, brava sans, Eurostile LT BoldExtendedTwo, Maddison signature, bernhard Modern bold condensed, Comic Sans italic, streetscript redux, Linotype Aspect Intro, 212 Wamheart, wide black, ww, ji-hostly, LD Laundry, QTB, Fresno Inline, boge, ExpoBook, Syke, l auberge, distu, rmf, ADBOLD, ghanshy, travesty bold, MGI archon semi bold, Handel Gothic Com, Frankfurt Heavy, beow, context extra condensed, jonat, big bloke BB, longline, SHAS, remachine, autob, Anzeigen Grotesk Pro Regular, Amos Extended, LeMonde Livre, vur, glh, otus, tero, old dreadful;SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--, pretex, HelveticaNeueLTStd-BdCn, Helvetica Narrow Gras, serita, AbcArrow Dotted, PIXymb, BoxD, Fullerton Regular, sincity, WREXH, spect, arial mt std extrabold italic, old dreadful);SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,32000000)--, old dreadful%';SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--, dsw, benf, caslon semibold, infooffice, brd, krake, helvetica neue LT STD Heavy condensed, Calligraph421 BT, GOBOL, osher, IlluminatiTwo, emilio, Aldine 401 Roman, hamper, AbcKids, rm, franconi, SA G, instr, toulousel, (SELECT (CASE WHEN (1555, hipch, Escu, norwegia, bangk, AW Conqueror Didot Large, rnc, FZBaoSong-Z04, UGIFTIG, REpt, ji chunky caps, Hatton Medium, Helvetica Neue LT Pro 65 MD Medium, ITC Kufic, hyssop, arial tur sabit, AS1, ITC Ba, OCCHI, aminta medium, usherw, dsp, farqu, LHF Locksmith, old dreadful')) AND 2847, scriptina regular, Valentina, parakettes, BIGBRUSH, fain, Honeysc, necblack, noseven, viny, tranjan pro 3 semibold, Touch Me Sans Petite Black, gabriel west, tais, busin, RUBRIK EDGE NE BOLD, ORGUE, DRAFT A, banket, "HelveticaNeue", guit, hadf, nova p, puri, montserrat roman bold") AND (SELECT 1046 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71786a7871,(SELECT (ELT(1046, haus eting deng, Roadhouse bolt, t ot, apk, amplitude Wide medium, BeLLEZA Reset Shango Gothic Medium, nanu, amazoni, Courier (Panose default), Arial Norrown Normal, hill and bill, Hanley pro Block Display, OPTIL, VoraceBlackSSi, amorinda od, agency fb wide bold, 540, mcs MAMLO, DINNeuzeitGrot, ultu, tendo, Mica, courier new t, Palladi, Arista Pro Regular, spo, ice a, Neue Helvetica Pro 85 Heavy, jenson pro cap, txfntb8, Myriad_Web, Ita palm, eyeglas, breme, futura std bold, univers extra, Castillo, BEMBO BOOK PRO, pump tribune d, wrestl, liberation serif bold, uniform c, leyscript, HADDAR OUTLINE, guttman adii light, old dreadful ORDER BY 260, Arab Brushstroke Std Standard, AVANT GARDE CONDENSED, 0060, tling, FF Call Nine S Regular, warner bros, prm, eef, OLRound, arlem, izar, GE E, futura ex light, cursive hand, old dreadful ORDER BY 220, TIMES CONDENSEN BOLD, agn, tYPEfa, it_x, fleftex, ERE, LinotypeUnivers-510Medium, trendex cond ssk, gazeta demi bold, AT fujiyama, Staf, sm.cap, king slayer, avant garde bt, Aries Small Cap Bold, Zany Whatever It Means, GoodVibrations Script, RIGHT GOTHIC, Alexei CopperplateITC-Normal, choi, tr bold, fion, Smas, atm, n13, daph, MEV, bodonin, ashtons, montserrat thin, arwat, BellT, vantgarde gothic, CrosswordBelle, hts, meda normal, Just Lovely, times new roman® family, Big Dear Bold, eci font regular, AdvI25, annen, INTERDIMEN, TAS, cream candy, akshardhara, berthold bold condense, GinoSchoolScript, first prize, typewriter-light, 4YEOhearts, swis721 blk, gxi, BLOOD SPLATTER, CAPITAN REGULAR, angel shine, GIAMB, Mercuriu, KG dotted lined, text pro medium, rhond, hoodie, recre, SerifMedium, haystack, MICR E13B Font, botan, 048, koh, dekka, abw, latte box'nvOpzp; AND 1, greet, montserrat roman bold%' UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, Al-Mujahed Gift, actus, BKcomicshalol, boddy, [Montserrat], discord, rondalight, SemiboldCalm, IrronplateGothicBold, abc manuscript, olh, hungary, lehn251, SMAC, Annasteel, manthesy, solid antique, xtension, nightma, zaro, old dreadful" AND 9810, Quanta Pi four SSi'nvOpzp; AND 1, klavika medium, wolfs, sanf, kristen itc font, helvetica TStd Blk cond, vigne, optima extrablack, geco, Vallenia love, cri, ackno, rodchen, hand brush, otham, iseu, hallandale jl, Brim Narrow Face, montserrat roman extrabold, andasia normal, HelindaRook, leb, chelsea market, stadt, BarbedorEF, Lucida Sans Roman, ruso, Schnitzle AOE, fuy, Akzidenz-Grotesk BQ Light with, hebrewdavid, myriad blod, running font'[0]' AND 8034, Emblem Chief, souvenir gothic urw t regular, ANGAL, Corr, times new r, MS MINCHO REGULAR, addjaz, joyride wide italic, neue plak condesnsed, stell, ohea, arth, Freight Text Pro bold, Alpha Taurus Pro Italic, dank mono https:/www.slant.co/options/32173/alternatives/, spong, smoot, air factory, geograp, nowa, prestige 12, Asters, speedb, Justina, trakk, kening, orum, BerkeleyOldstyle, kunstler scrip, BRUSH BOLD HAND, beach extended bold italic, Amira Black, BIJOU, ADT, compend, ballpar, nott, regina script, naxa, Nitrogen, ucen, Aradi, flexible font, bembo sem, Malp, synthet, frat, mattero, kratos truetype, SANSOBLIQUE, acl, arial mdm, Jokerman ravie chiller Alba Kristen Cooper snap grobold Berlin franklin, Freight Text Cmp Pro light italic, "nexus mix tv", BAMA, tiepol, heike, Liquo, boodle extra bold, NimbusSanNovDSemBol, Belair, Nitti Grotesk, jau, g g, Robi Bold Bangla, freq, jessejames, GEORGIA ITALIC, ChevronSTF, demoniz, kust, lushli, voge, provlite bold, itle, arial sharp sans, BIOPROSTHESIS, mon serat, PHILO LOGIC, MIAL, tiredof, Hebrew galed font, loony tunes, kitchen font family, maa, aless, bible scrpit, Dawn Castle Plain trk, agfa rotis sans serif pro, alwi, allin, Apex legends, chemis, pinellas, highbutt, cooper antique condensed (D), di bold, DS-, chn, Granby Hippo, tactic, running font'[0]';SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--, marca, benton sans condensed black, yonna, kyril, snicker, al li, preussisch, RFH, Livin, gorill, pinline, one one, grapa, TC MINI, arial narrow sec bold, Opencaps, elargo, rocin, kamila, espanol, helvetica neue LT Std bdCn-normal, Vetrena MF Medium, Neutra TextTF, bazoo, air serif bold italic, cockroach, kwa, silentiu, Abha S_U normal'[0], Geometry Soft Pro Light C, mop gothic, antiqua roman, klo, Acorde bold Italic, headh, SALFrutiger bold, ayo, sprint car, bann, lhf speed, goliat, neue condensed, CROT, eth regular, AmTypewriterEF, pporn, thai mono, Script typeface, volut, lhs, lick, baccaratwide, acorde-extrablackitalic, renni, Adelle Sans Heavy, Galaxy BT, oldnewspaper, stubb, tado, italiacyril, Woll, xanada, GYST, LLPikseli, Fez, Titler, r22, RSOswald, imef, WalbaumOriginal, Chaim Bold, Kansas Casual Black, taameyDavidclm medium, brima bold, humanoi, merv, papp, Arahand, Atyla Demo, cavia, kebl, graphix, page/178, nga, jokerwild, avantebsnr bold, acord light, ensi, rescu, keralax-mal, molo, LTC Goudy Open, VACAN, ponder, pate, frutiger lt com 45, BATTLE IN STYLE, laheat, beno, UNSTEAD, asi, bethscute, kuc, "News Gothic", thermo zero, phon, zue, coser, helvet?ca, helvet?ca, WORK FORCE, Koblenz Serial ExtraBold, agas light, CLEREST, KG lines, corporater, Bauerbo, cNature beauty, Brav, balli, Bramley at, PMN Caecilia Sans, Temper, gsa, SHIS, ean upc 13, infi, vendet, Banco Heavy, Worlds Finest Normal, leig, ATF Brush Black, comforta, line trace, i m bored, BOOKMAN OLD STYLE SEMINEGRITA, nho, Portrait Regular2, cutout stencil, Clar, LookingGlassopti, B_Titr, Fonto) ORDER BY 1-- bVmZ, licence plate, Fonto' ORDER BY 8479-- segn, handb, INDUST, arcane wide normal, ORIGIN SUPER, Striped sans black, wmchristmas, fINDING, ams marathi, react, newyo, Souvenir Black SSi Extra Bold, t25, stine bold, digital 7, dau, selfc, turbayne, Reva Pro Thin, Ode to Idle Gaming, miso reguler, TechnicznaPomoc, Avenir next T Pro BOdy, J.D, Peignot Std Demi, caval, adani-semi bold-semi bold, mrseav, running font'[0]' AND 5732, gua/assets/fonts/f0cdede053a22b990af8.ttf, ranegun, marton, Good Headline Pro XCond News, aretha bridge, FrankfurterEF Solid, betwe, NAB, woodlan, Neue Helvetica 57 Condensed, old dreadful' AND EXTRACTVALUE(6203,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7178706a71,(SELECT (ELT(6203, tant, beano, rtl, crosspatch, Air Compressed Regular, agressive, ean13 extended, rubberstat, yigg, old republic bold, 770, gout, piranja bytes, tago, Algerian Mesa, tenroman, DinPro coldensed medium, geos, univers/favicon.ico, dey, dax codensed, shinn-RR medium italic\, 593, staying alive, Psychedelic Fillmore, 3s company, inclair, omal, Ces, mnicro, Daito Condensed Light, quadrant, Manua, Segoe UI Symbol v6.28, badaboom obelix pro, urwimperialt, bobb, Neo Sans Std Light, fodo, indian rbi, mmer, cmedium'nvOpzp; AND 1, Ampr, eone, umbri, bloklett, united sans semi condensed heavy, alh, Excelsi, leni, BentonSans ExtraCondensed bold, chelsea rr, iger, bianc, coptek, morga regular, Baskerville SB Roman Small Caps, orielscript, guil, DIN 1451 Std Mittelschrift, demar, ELISHEVA LATIN, Nimbus Sans Condensed (D), htlm5 values, argor biw, hummingbird, Marlin Bold, narkid block mf, unreal tournament', thac, abhaya libra reguler, BEHIND BLUE EYE, JBcalli, BRANE, Jai, Co Text, zippe, ader, old dreadful) AND (SELECT 1457 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7178706a71,(SELECT (ELT(1457, list-A,1, Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk extra bold condenses, chir, Bembo extra Bold OsF, rabiohead, dinpro bold italic, hakuna, old dreadful,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1874, m39_squarefuture, horizontal hold, usula, old dreadful') UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, victorb, orat, Lipa Agate, dutch mediaeval, doodle love letter, futura'and(select*from(select sleep(2))aunionselect 1), Yassitf Narrow, misbe, olus, xhi, Rural Route JNL, Myriad Variable Concept Light SemiCondensed', Newun, _pl, alineas, Symbol bold italic, cdf, old dreadful AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (8815, old dreadful") AND 5256, roadgothic, apache regular, azo sans, co, Gille Classsic Fill, K script, Script-Normal', kalende, SHEIL, corres, IQE Palangraphic, volo, calif, hippie font, caber, rimac-display, Klaf MF Bold A, ubit, aab, gumb, wack, kaling, Jaeger Daily News', sicm, CyrillicHeavy, global-regular', Aristotele, GE Arabesque Script Bold, old school number meter, LucidaSansEF italic, comicd font, fireball xl5, STRAS, Pyn, CopyFaxMF-MediumA, ENDE, Sports Bar, carla thin-normal(western), Bookman JF Swash B Italic, lost leonest and 1, vew, shaun of the dead, TxFntB14, Turing, Franklin SSK, KABLOOIE, MF-B, Welcome Home JN, niconne reg, 0920, monogram k, fetisch fraktur, draughtwork, ntury, AVIO, HANDELGOTDMED, audi sans extended, art board, EDP, Flight C Italic Cyrillic, parvo, Clearview Hwy 4 W R, AmazObitaemOstrovV.2, Irani, marquee regular, kalender, nikkkyou sans, for sale, TIMES_L, led alphanumeric, mousse script, tweedle, old dreadful ORDER BY 750, ucatan, reveng, eurek, tora, v cond, kankan, Chon, ecu, cosmi, pragmat, x-s, cutiv, pu, papercutting, slavo, MacKeyCaps, PS Bold italic, Vockel Regular, New house DT Supercondensed Bold, apexserif, 1,franklin, HeadingCompressedPro ExtraLight, mostr, LIMERICK ESTENDED, FagoEx Medium*, HARMONY Medium, Akee, old dreadful ORDER BY 999, koi 8, z cond, Zapf Humanist 60, rors, aude, edword, oklah, ritzflf, Adore You Regular, lona, soto, jaa, carla thin-normal, microbrew soft three, borghs-, PONCH, fzzhongdengxian,
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153
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