En �ok Arananlar Annai MN Regular.('"(((,(., DHEI, zeh, Tolkien Kaynak:https:/www.alfabesi.com/elf-alfabesi, FACSIMIL, filmotype-glenlake compression pro, zreaks nfi, onne, champange limousine bold, allianzsans, baskerville urw, ztype, garondcaps, flemi, otati, Rookscript, expolightssk, techfont, displaySSi, inki, alw CoolTholoth., HelveticaNeue LT 85 Heavy, neglect, bathhurst, jaune d oeuf, Calypso C, Akzidenz Grotesk Condensed Italic, montserrat roman bold';DECLARE @HTqP NVARCHAR(4000);SET @HTqP, rod normal, outlineitalic, KOI8 times, karm, times new roman k0I8, Logo Bundesbahn, facetheavy, optiradiant, Anselm, newbod, cherry blossem, N 26, Elleanor, times/webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff2, URWAntiq, unispa, chasing embers, pen condensed, MALMO, socal, mousseScrip, black oak, WoogieDisplayOutlineCapsSSK, ldmo, akzidenz-grotesk bq extra bold condensed, ???? Pr6N, ???? Pr6N, Ambroise Pro italik, erlon, gateick bolt, squarepusherv, MT-, uvenir, AdmanGraphics Auslan, refine, LexiaDaMa, chamelton 21 inline bold 1 font, ITCâ?¦, DINPro ColdMedium, getburgDB, pople, romanb, cavier dreams, scandinav, Fez__, artra, lementa, a xt, luna_bar, artone, eyho, bauhouse, lkd, Player Pro Black, CAPSn, bell gothic st, DistillaBold, bcmelp, anglosax, ITCâ?¦, mumm, MEMORIAL, GothicLT, penz, flair bold italic, Savann, LD B, Ar Tarumian, roboto normal, AmazDooM, times new roman extra bold, benton modern, princ, AG Foreigner Black C italic, ar cen, czarist, RandR, busy scratch, marrididdles, bolditcapt, firef, qtweis, Rotis Sans Serif Std 45 light, E_SAE, calypso e, cera stencil pro medium, heathervilleoldstyle, KZ, Syrup Sans Bold, Akzidenz-Grotesk BQ Super ExtraBold, Presta Wide, aquino, guttan yad, alternate gothic medium, Alt Gothic, Berthold Akzidenz book, airal normal western, zenit, Neo Bopollux the remix, leari, Geeoh Hmk, Image club two, square in, bdc, BigCaslon-Rom, ORKI, sf g, supl, civilit, Rhe, Ragna, Base9 Regular, ercan, marsek bold, Itc T OT Book italic, Decorated 035, x ca, heav, WOODC, Fonto) AND 5389, angella, Kleponijo') AND 2696, uik, freshmen, Garamond Itc T OT Book italic, univers 7/24/2023 4:54:02 PM, floria, ldli, Aron Grotesque, old dreadful ORDER BY 610, Etienne, daidoh Remix'nvOpzp, DFHSMincho-W9-WING, ambridge demo, narrowmf, times new roman special g1 italic, guapa, GenuzotMF, lerm, ld nu, heba, andin, amadeu, mentadisplayss, agri, HY Zhong Deng Xian, orten, ldre, Hudson NY Pro, ACP, Engravers/, PT seriff caption, TCON, akzidenz grotesk bq italic, arrowmedium, bodid, navyBlues, ladimir, Kr he, Signdingbats, minon, Caltex Nova Sans, Abfrem symble western, calgary regular vision, DavysCrappyWrit, HY Graphic extra, old dreadful") AND 4418, ITCâ?¦, The Triplets Skinny otf, Letrista script catch, helvetica FontYukle, claimcheck u¡numbers, fb adrenalin, HY Graphic, agme, STRALIS Reset Rocketship From Infinity, running font'[0]' AND (SELECT 8978 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x716a706a71,(SELECT (ELT(8978, Caslon sb regular osf, yim, gloss and bloom bold, dch, arawa, korsair, franklin gothic demi cond, quard, calscap, Avena next pro bolt, Latienne EF Italic Sw C, page/3169, ekar, TEAC, Ghanshyam gujrati, carnaval, ebr, srai, hazelplain, littles, celebri sans, FuturisXCondC, FutureType-59 Condensed, olinga, HELVETICA NEUE 95, running font'[0]')) AND 8055, 14, Cheva, quic, Radius-RegularDB, windsur, futoralCon, dingbits two, Staral, myste, Soutumi std regular, Palazzo Script, palis, newrodin pro, BickleyScriptPlain, ingme, basier circle, old dreadful ORDER BY 960, e ga, Dayli, orst, asb, CenturySchool, DTL Haarlemmer D Sans, el ca, ebrr, Chatty Cocktails, old dreadful) AND 3203, Jolene, bickleyScrip, sackersgoth, frankl, gabriell, droid serif, Yassitf Narrow Bold, copperplat, nop, Bryant Pro Regular Alternate, gren, culum, TLM, qardoos, Christel, Quac, images/background.png, atscript, cafl, Bonve, Kelly Becker, opus text std, puni, zooja pro, pompejip, 3d rock, Delfinah, GaramondCTT, imbus, Cinati, eith, unicorn fonts, loth, HelveticaNeueLTPro Roman-90, helvetica neue ld std 47 light, old dreadful')) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (8297, cago, engraverfontset-normal, Neo Sans Std Medium, old dreadful ORDER BY 290, Arnoia caption font, Haverford Thick, limeglory, ICEH, Neue Helvetica 93 Extended Black, uniform ultra'nvOpzp; AND 1, bedr, interleav, esans bold, dg_sin, times new roman semi bold, red milk, alae, wind doomsday, mada, zeroe, rila, boldini reguler, tita, cheeta, EternaCondensed, balanceblack, EY s, ALBIREO/webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff2, old dreadful ORDER BY 2000, invad, ona Italic, Franklin gothic medium c, apercu bold', finiti, uthrie, alrea, Cochin Bold, helvet?ca, helvet?ca, fah, valorant, kacstonefixed, berlin badaboom, Arley, kraash black, mthin, SPLINTHM, agine, cypr, frutiger light, mirr, laurintext, edwa, Turkish_, Symbol t1/webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff, artbrus, racing sans one, Baliland, switzerlan condense xtra bold, pobl, agp, rose round', ITC Isbell, prosp, executiv, post mediaeval/test/, interstate cindensed, fettee, CE Bold, EF Stratford Medium, HIGHWAY C, The Stencil, old dreadful');DECLARE @moxd NVARCHAR(4000);SET @moxd, L AubergeScriptSSK, akzidenz grotesk std super, HUT ROUNDED NORMAL, twoBold, effl, aktuell, Silver Streak Expanded Heavy, Baskerville 10 Pro italic, tombo, EuralBlackDB, elphian, formular one, stada, itc tt book, mets, code 2 to 5, fl kreskowka, illu, TABOOK, old dreadful)) AND 9398, deikko font, din text comp, CursiveElegant, Lane_Narrow, eman medium, olympia medium condensed, aliba, histor, OKy, CH2, DIN alternitive, popmuzik, wege, Folks light ligera, Marker_Monkey, Anna MN regular, GiottoFLF, WLS, bys, fernand, Halk, Carnival Freakshow, laser cut, cabin medium, radona, the sans normal, https:/www.fontyukle.net/en/DownLoad-Bank Gothic Medium.ttf, blacksm, modern sans light, Grenale Ext, eleganth, caliz, LettrGoth12 BT, helvetica neue condensed bold") AND 5300, helvetica neue condensed bold) RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (5624, helvetica neue condensed bold) AND 4318, helvetica neue condensed bold AND 6784, Baguet Script AND 7023 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113) CHAR(107) CHAR(122) CHAR(112) CHAR(113) (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7023, helvetica neue condensed bold')) AND 9300, helvetica neue condensed bold' AND 3744, Baguet Script') AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (5380, Uniwars Semi Bold, old glory, melany lane bold, Uighursoft Art Regular, Ascender Sans Mono, Annai MN Regular" AND 4442, museo 700, kg beneath you're beautiful, Gill Sans MT Condensed, Aldus NOva, PFDINSerif-regular, Minion variable concept roman'nvOpzp; AND 1, seashell 7/24/2023 8:29:14 PM, Matura M7 Script, Orator std, Break Gotik, fancy gujarati fonts, Din Condensed Regular, Future sh demi, helvetica neue condensed bold)) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (4520, helvetica neue condensed bold)) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (4243, helvetica neue condensed bold' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7023, Baguet Script AND 3669, a05 kruti image, Helvetica Condensed-Bold, DAX PRO CONDENSED, american bold, Annai MN Regular%' AND 5504, helvetica neue condensed bold' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (8570, Baguet Script') AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7024, diwani tom, Arial Black Normal Western', legacy serif ITC italic, Courier PANOSE default070, ARSMaquettePro-Regular, Handel Gothic EF, CONFLICT DRIPS, Cachet Pro Bold Italic, Areplos Text Pro Bold'nvOpzp; AND 1, helvetica inserat medium, Handel Gothic Std Regular, Bold Face Font, Bat rider, nadianne bold, nobel bl, Monbloc Regular Condensed, QT Vaga rounded, Time Script Pro Light, Gebetsbuch Fraktur, OfficinaSansBoldITC-Regular, poppin reg, fuentes en carta, Futura stencil, helvetica neue condensed bold,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5994, GUJRATI HARI, akruti guj mamata, Sunday Mastehead Regular, Bliss ExtraBoldA, avant garde book thin, Dom LT Pro Diagonal Bold, andale mono ANDALE MONO ITALIC FREE DOWNLOAD, kg summer, Mask down, adani regular-semibold, century nova, tasty joke, MaxLF Black, adobe garamond pro small caps, balon bold, Brixton wood, vianta regular italic, Saltery Regular, flexure, eras md bt-normal, Ink noise, optima nove pro demi, Jolly Angel Italic, dc comics regular, baskerville nova, peppa, Kairo Sans Medium, bernhard std bold condensed, asteris alpha regular, copperplate sans bold, Adobe heilti std r, Burbank big co, all rights reserved, arial black cae normol western, Cuento Serif Bold Italic Swash, HELVETICA LIGHT NARROW, Bitstream Iowan Old Style BOLD ITALIC, ada symbol, soncino font, vag medium, Abiah Light, Yu Mincho Pr3N, Yu Mincho Pr3, MCS 2 diwany, helveltica neue, curtis script, TTBackward Sans, backwards sans, b690 script, Sinclair Bold, Bastarda k, AmasisMTStd-Light, neavil regular, Lena Regular, frank ruehl, ENI TYPE BOLD/webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff, Helvetica Neue LT Arabic 45 Light, Sniglet regular, DIN 1451', Interestate compressed, imogen agnes, PARSONAL OF MUPPETS, Block Gothic RR Bold Condensed, Celestia antiqua semibold italic, ITC Novarese Pro Medium, AbadiMT CondensedLight, AbadMT CondensedLight, A Pompadour, Garamond No4 Cyr TCY, Avus Pro, MONSERRAT ROMAN BLACK, hand blod, latte extra bold, TWI NOVA, miryad variable concept, King Malik, Brush Script Std Medium, Neue LT pro 77 bold, virtual script, switzerlan condensed extra bold, DTL PROKYON ST BOLD, TAN - MON CHERI-Regular, barre code 978 RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6104, ITC Grizzley, barre code 978";DECLARE @lmJz NVARCHAR(4000);SET @lmJz, Rupture, Gineso Titling, 09 akruti image, fort cuinsin, Offroad Expanded Black, Myriad Pro Condensed semibold, ITC Weidemann, bredan font, Bithead Byte, handel cursief, adobe naskh medium, van gogh, hypermarket font, Greeting Cards, rams black, ΓΕΝΕΣΙΣ, teton sioux, itc flora std, FX-LED bold, akzidenz-groteskpro, SVN-Fourth, REALITY HYPER, PF Din Text Compressed, Infynyte Body, FS Industrie Wide, HOEFLER TEXT regular, thonburi italic, Iran Yekan, alasassy caps, dax pro condensed light, myriadPro regular, franklin gothic medium cond demicmpr, bookman plain, times turkish transcription, Buxton Sketch, HWT American Chromatic, -holiday-crafty-font, Austin News Deck Web, Fenomen Sans XCN Semi Bold Italic, Donna Bodoni Aa Script PDF') AND 9731 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113) CHAR(113) CHAR(113) CHAR(98) CHAR(113) (SELECT (CASE WHEN (9731, new rouls, Akzidenz Grotesk Extended Italic, manhattan signature, Bearskin Font, TF Forever, Core Sans AR 85 Heavy, ARABIC KUFY, frutiger cond, WINTHROPE SMALL CAPS, Donna Bodoni Aa Script PDF) AND 9120, rialto piccolo df, abc gpk, Open Dyslexic Bold Cooper Black, one UI sans, Barcode CODE, BERRY ROTUNDA REGULAR, Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk has been, Akruti Guj Kiran, AVENTRA ITALLIC, Whatsapp emoticons, Fighting Spirit TBS'nvOpzp, Schmale Gotisch Mk, sweetie bubble, helvetica Neue CE light, Montseratt roman bold, lobster regular normal'nvOpzp; AND 1, myriad bengali, Skippy sharp'[0], vn open, Barloesius Schrift Font, Helvetica Extended BQ Bold, adobenaskh medium, DF Ru Lei W8, CENTSCHBOOK Bold italic BT, abdoline-light, running font'[0]', Adani Bold Font) and 1, wichita black/1000, ltc globe gothic/1000, selene book extra bold/1000, OPTI cuento/1000, averta semi bold, aachen bold normal/1000, mostra three, Lucidity ballpoint/1000, klein heavy, origin super condensed bold/1000, montserat roman, Magic Spell JF Font, fh giselle semibold/1000, nh ducks/1000, myriad vf, branchingmouse becker-normale, Helvetica Neue LT PRO 23 ultra light extended, Texta black, Bluejack URWT, Frutiger Arabic 65 Bold, Howell Script Regular ot, muscle narrow italic, La Mona Pro, Body goat regular, Bourgeois Rounded Heavy Condensed, falcon pro/1000, adobe fan heiti std b-semibold type1 open, army/1000, GLOUCESTER MT EXTRA CONDENSED/1000, troubadour pro engraved/1000, Complain Script, Orgon Plan Bold, Artifact Element Heavy Size, 08 abruti image, Harman Deco, Angora Font, Autoprom Pro, Montreal-Bold/1000, Yalta Sans Extra Bold, ADRIANNE NORMA, ADRIANNE NORMAL, Futura Futuris Light, Canter Shadow, Al-Mujahed-kuffi, mat italic, HY Gothic regular, arial unicode ms italic, Geometos Soft Black, ABCPRINT ARROW DOTTED, normal 400, URW D, URW dyana, Croma Sans Black, Deep Impact, NEON NANOBORG FONT, dina alternate bold, Sans No. 1 Heavy, helvetica lm, Version 1.01 emb4-OT'[0], Prater Block Pro, Futura EF Demibold, pragmatica light c, hello sweets, Helen pro regular, show poster, EuclidIgnited Regular, parisine Pro Clair fonts, Comic Sans Bold, cursive writing, Avant Gard EF Book C, Akzidenz-Grotesk BQ ExtraBold Condensed, Helvetica Neue Pro 47, futura ef heavy, Segoe Fluent Icon font, delta medium, Groovy Happening NJL, ST Line, optima serif, ARIAL MT BOLT, noto sans symbols, empera soft, roland tb303, calligraph bt, Moderna Unicase Medium, Sweet - SweetSquarePro-HeavyItalic, LinaSerif-SemiBold, vector text effect, UpaHandwriting-Regular, Your Doodle Font, frutiger next lt w1g regular condensed, tenby seven, violet sans, `123, Sakkal kitab, Haddar Outline Fl Word, Commercial ScrT, ')123"123, COPPERPLATE-HEAVY, LinGothica-Extra, Paralucent Thin, team viewer, Bodoni SH Roman, lucida bright regular, footlight mt light (otf) regular, ΕΛΛΗΝ, corisande italic, scala sans lf, code saver, barre code 978'pZyYkS, barre code 978')) ORDER BY 99, quadriga bq bold, barre code 978 AND 9091, Minion Variable Concept in Regular, kimmy design, boton bold, Humanst970, DI Nbek Black, creo light, uttman-aharoni, MONTSERRAT ROMAN'TzOQLC, hms imago, Onyx BT, barre code 978%' AND 2541, script heart, Ketimum regular, Hiragonic Kaku, SOI Normal Font, f37 neuro, futurebold regular, Bengali front, SquareSlab711, phone symbol, Revue std bold, FagoCoLf-BoldCaps, stanley poster/1000, Code 128A, AKRUTI odia, Pauline Regular, Hot Rush Sans, Band ultra bold, trajan pro3 bold, KOTA HUJAN, PAVERIFY MEDIUM, Neuropol X Expanded Semibold', STREHOUSE SOFT, JANE AUSTIN, Hiragino Serif, House Soft Narrow Extra Bold Italic, Devanagari MT, Polonaise Std Bold, Retail Stencil JNL, caros soft, DINPro (OTF), ATHLETIC SCRIPT, florencesans condensed, florencesans expanded, computer roman, Pen Sans Rounded, Stencil Punch Regular JNL, Treasure Trove Aged Regular, Trade Gothic medium, dolce black, THE SEASON REG, NakedPowerHv Regular, poster cut neue, News Gothic Std Regular, STYLE IS ETERNAL, the year, pal-carolina, Vintage bold, Manchester City, Albireo Extra Condensed Black Italic, Arial Narrow 7, arial narow bold, Cal neuland Shadow, symbol ps italic, ITC Avant Garde Gothic Medium font, ITC Humana, Fraktur EF Bold Dfr, allegro bold, Kodzuka, cid font f1) and 1, Didot LT Std Bold italic, copperplate condensed, o FranklinGothic, Volta EF Medium font, Interstate, Helvetica, Helvetica Neue Lightext, d'neal, verlo regular, vivi kharisma, Apollo Roman, working man, COURIER PANOSE FONT, helvetica me comp, Kohinoor Bangla Light, VAG FONT, Ysans Extra Bold, avenir T1, love song jnl, saki medium, pluto bold, round neat, Shibuya Dancefloor, Toronto Gothic, hard race, avenir extrabold, nima demi, Text Boox, neue ein, CorisandeOT-Regular, Flink Neue XBold Italic, Thin Double Outline, Eloquia Display Bold, SABON SCRIPT, bway black, FF segma round extended pro, Black No.7 - Black Label, Helvetica-CondensedBlack, bauhaus t, Futura Paneuropean Bold, Serif-Bold, Maghfirah Two, Myriad SemiExtended, AvantGarde-bookOblique, Hebrew Europa, Bahnschrift semibold western, Serpentine Regular, Helvetica Neue Compressed bold, persian naskh ssk, hello chalktalk, Baguet Script" AND 3012, Baguet Script')) AND 3012, Annai MN Regular') AND 5370, helvetica neue condensed bold") AND 8715, helvetica neue condensed bold") AND 6784, helvetica neue condensed bold RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (5177, helvetica neue condensed bold" AND 5269, Baguet Script)) AND 2275, helvetica neue condensed bold')) AND 9302, Baguet Script") AND 3012, Baguet Script)) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (9682, helvetica neue condensed bold RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (2158, helvetica neue condensed bold' AND 9302, Baguet Script' AND 6511, Baguet Script AND 9306, helvetica neue condensed bold AND 8185, helvetica neue condensed bold) AND 6784, helvetica neue condensed bold')) AND 6784, avant garde med, vegas neon, Birch srs, boston caps, Franklin gothic italique, chicken wings, Europa Grotesk SH Extd'[0], Myriad Pro Itali, Rosewod Std, Annai MN Regular" AND 8664, Vider Hand ITC, Hijaz-S, MCS Quds S_i normal, tradegothic-bold, helvetica neue condensed bold" AND 9011, Baguet Script' AND 3669, Baguet Script AND 7743, Baguet Script')) AND 8988, helvetica neue condensed bold')) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (1820, Baguet Script') AND 4141, helvetica neue condensed bold' AND 3348, Baguet Script AND 1668, Annai MN Regular") AND 8451, Annai MN Regular%' AND 6311, Annai MN Regular%' AND 9785, Clearface FS Negro, FZ ROMAN 32 EX, ?????? 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Pr6N, chiken script, light small capital, Akzidenz-Grotesk Next extra light extended, hindi sarel font for mac book air, Annai MN Regular%' AND 3584, Peony regular, Burford Rustic Book, Baguet Script%' UNION ALL SELECT NULL, Baguet Script' AND 3163, Kristopher Regular, Fairfield LT Std, AdelonAntique-Light, Asda script, beautiful script, black helvetica, Avenir LT pro medium, adobe garamond pro initials, helvetica neue lt std 47 condensed, helvetika condensed, Goodland Ultra Bold Italic, Italia LT, NeutraText-BookItalic, Berlingske Serif, Cafe Françoise, Baguet Script%' AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (8016, Minion variable concetpy, formata-boldCondensed, berlin sans demi fb bold, Berthold Bodoni, myriad pro semibolds, Nimbus regular, helvetica neue condensed bold%' AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (4243, NicW01-NormalRounded Regular, askerville ultra bold, kurti dev, PARISIAN ICG, CrimsonText-Regular, ERBAUM BOOK, Isotope semibold, DTLCaspariT black, Britannic Medium, Akzidenz-Grotesk BQ Regular extended, Corpid Office..., bembo schlbk, poster font free, Myriad Pro Sem, joyful chase, stave heavy/', indian rupee, front page neue, Rusthack Regular, fusion bold, alberta heavy, DINosaur-book, American Text Regular, 8pt arabic, goudy\, universed condensed medium, Snap ITX, Milton One Bold, monotype corsica bold, kurtis blow word of the street canton jones, AvenirNextCondensed-DemiBold AvenirNextConconc, Helvetica/', PF Din Text Cond Pro Thin, Garam Itc T, The Sculptor Heavy, NEWBURY SANS PRO XP, Newsgoth lt bt, NewsGoth Lt BT Condensed, rrollie heavy, font with lines, Ean 13hr, diskus medium, Jellyka BeesA, verdana regular, din alternate bold italic, HelveticaNeueLTStd BdCn*,
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