En �ok Arananlar The Sans Extra Bold, CGV, Helvetica Ultra Compressed, mell, orino, insaniburger, halija, Gen_he, Cassan, delin, MgOld Times UC Pol Italic, poptic, podi, Univers 67 Condensed Bold, TIENNE, jawbreak, Rmz Meiri, 28D, SF IU text bold, cruis, mech effects, itc century light, cubus, FAW, diner sparkly, elveti, Gill Sans Nova Condensed Medium, Font Glyphs, Gummy Bears, Hilos, Ellingto, OCR-B BT Std 10, ebie, krutiDev040 bold normal, novarese book italic, ext condensed, WilhelmKlingsporGotisch, dfru, Nimbus Roman Mono Regular Italic, 0962, DarkGray50 Bold, LAINA, gracia, berthold akzidennz grotesk, Mimic, mythic, sque, lovato light, shree dev 0714, CG MATCHA, berc, skitzo, gabarasans light, ztech, solemnit, jott_44, sceptre, yike, Diwany, Dunscans Mills – Modern Bold Sans, zucch,  bookman, El rubi Sans, lar, handfont, Warsteiner-Schreibschrift, Interstate-B, ARNHEM BOLD, garz, Adv C39b, FZ Hei B01T, Varia, goudita sans light sf italic, olson, dolm, aya, nola, mvo, Childos Arabic, STEND, Handel Slab, bock, StempSchLig, rant, stru, Akzidenz-GroteskBQregular, marshmall, Fz XING Kai, 0657, oldclaude, sofachro, WalbaumFraT, HumaneJenson, USStars, llt, Goudy Bookletter 1911, GaiaCondensed, mock, Gravi, cg garamond bd, abble, 649, thin pen, stralian, FederationT, bitmapp, saft, sim.shx, TC, chelten, fiss, coventryScript, PRIQ, fse, ok, agency fv Black Extended, teams, ials, vab, OPEN TYPE, ITC Avant-Garde Book Tracking 200, technoclas, avala, Kudos po ssk, elem, EGPYT, granthamlight, helvf, mister london, Schue, S-Sfarad, tages, AgencyFB RegularCondensed WhatFontIs.com, lariss, Scrap Color, aira, aeo, greeksans, Agent ExtendedDB, Franklin Gothic Pro Medium Condensed, setle, ITC Franklin Gothic Std family, vengea, limes sans, yoncon, Hacker 52 Ultra Bold, BoltonLight, KursivschriftStehend, narkis classic serrif, celtick, valh, ler, guttman aram, aa, emul, neon script, destencil, cornel, Tangier, Stymie BT, ADDISON, century ghotic, billy signature régulier, elas, Walbaum Original, nike 2002-04, aladd, Dirty Bakers Dozen, vnE, social icons, open nigea, vij, romd, typewriter condensed, a_AlgeriusCaps, sideline, angies new house, to_forgive, ladyn, susann, ZURICH ROUNDED, enti, fzk, TwelveSans, pritch, Zierinitialen, old dreadful%' AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (5831, monospa, jer, sylv, STEREO GOTHIC 600, kak, tempa, skrit, dyo, empi, alumet, treet, forel, WESLEYB, geoslab703, STACAT, termi, boch, blewe, artwood, Fraktur Regular, thailan, aw_siam, nbel, BurnstownDam, CommerceBlac, Deva, bitu, BIsans NEXT, arkz, inced, ral, nel, wgl, banff_normal, utp, Gentle Sans Ultra Bold, Helvetica-90ms-RKSJ, Scrept, Â bookman, 283, First love FD Regular, Moderna Unicase, OpelNext Light, Red Letter, Guttman-Soncinobold, archityp, cleopat, elba, graffo, zolo/webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff2, Roys, grafilo, facit by just another foundry, SOUVENIR SSI LIGHTDOWNLOAD, hitec, Time BQ Medium, standar higway end signs, elwin, Rocketship From, WIRELESS, ABC PRINTED DOTTED LINES, ValentineHeart, harman, Lesmore Tab, TRBook, at sackers gothic light, switzerlandNarrow Itali, mcl, Helba light DB Bold, argumentum regular, YULE, stalin, flec, shadowblack, Yni, Narkis Tam Con MF BOLD, English Gothic Normal, SouvenirStd-Bold, TREASUR, ndr, sear, meta plus bold caps, partic, USU, variodisplay, Thomas Boucherie, WellrockSlab, IKK, DFMaruGothic-SB-WIN-RKSJ-H, Zapf Renais SB Italic Swash, machin, SCaps, RICCI, aztèque, landry, rbar, CHAMPI, tital, eyersome script, the gaston swiss, Oita, GDE, ecker, basc, cambridg, splice kanji, karyna feet, sf, unsel, Nesobrit, aviat, Northport Std Bold, city blueprint, antima, Cartoon Finish, Eph, C39HR, azk, running font'[0]') AND 8287, 0095, drou, Lobs, GONE FISHING, toxin, old sport college, INHERI, sendo, Tallow, Vicky, rebo, bdy, original dotted cursive, hebrew century, gea, Laser-let, teamspiri, dign, Slide Font, Jaggy Fries, ekma, keepon truckin, itc pioner, BPL, super condensed, Mouse memoirs, foryou, LDChristmas, copperplate thirty, halvett light, neostand, city-Li, Microgramma D Bold Extended, florentine garamond, bodoni san, collag, classicscript, ericot, ag letterica condensed, Bodoni Nr 1 SB Light, OPTIT, POSTERS ITALIC PERSONAL USE, acta extrabold, lyng, narci, Octagen Roman, HARLEQU, thousan, embossedblackwide, Meiri YAD, ezza, Monteserrat black, flyblack, birdla, BylinearSmallCapsBold, High tower text'nvOpzp; AND 1, heaveneticaCond7-semiBold, LINCO, angert, janu, cim, VIST, calliop, DIN NEXT rounde, sm., MarvelScript, Ploni Round, Kuk, documenta dtl medium, Transit Front Negativ Normal, cutte, biblio, Abraham lincoln, montserrat roman bold', bebas neue cryrillic, harmoni, kuenst, gelika, ytex, 00580, atyp text, Bill Font for Cash Register, charpent, orbit-condensedbold, slaine, superdome, KaiTi_GB2312, Revelstoke Grunge, ruri, C39HrP48D, Beuton Regular WhatFontIs.com, venturis sans, ministe, staubac, GoudyOldStyle, PricedownBl, inary, hace, american purpose, Gainsborough Serif Regular, Party', Dutch 801 Bold BT, riters, marlina melvin, latin ancien, fountainpen, Inspi, lanz, tatoo., ergoeblack, variet, AmourTendreFC Reg, paint brushes, frugal sans reg, CHESTERFIE, eiser, TR Bookman, lidan, orid, WACO, textboo, JackOLantern, Kebla, benz, pragmatica medium cyrillic, Saco de, Ameretto Extended Bold italic, graveure, DDT, blackca, ETAPP, Hatton light, arsel, naj, abte, fz cu yuan m03s, jac, Haf text, Helvetica Condenssed, dsin, sophis, montressatroman black, LIRA, Dissolv, epsi, carre noir, ITC Novarese Pro Ultra, cghel, DickVan, vlod, EanP72xTt, hev light bold, arial black bold, versio, galiano online, boyle, agency FB compressed, golden youth, Revie, yar, IEP, Owl house, londonder, Urbano Bold Condensed, FZMeiHei, old dreadful%' UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL, skin and bone, backr, Look_for_America, iOS font, magr, Banana normal, brother 1816, "Helvetica Neue LT bold", KS Bold, metalc, comic medium, ultracompres, xERT, Fmir, quicks, S-Malc-Noy, Vista Sans Narrow, tempus reg, abold, Brush Stroke Hollow, BF bonn, Modern Love Cursief, pirulenrg, times new roman türkçe, Lne, font E13B, worches, Atrament Medium, Kali Angke Sketch Block Serif Font, toblique, ogilve two thin, 39-25, venusris, vora, nymp, food1, PortalAntiqua, exbo, soa, tumi, harmon, vella, muld, MIRROR Serif, fetl, cleanvertising black, swissttf, AG Old Face Shaded, verlay, Akzidens grostesk BQ Bold conde, GoBold High, ContextRepriseLight, cype, gesha, mase, Publica Slab extra bold', elega, monospace 821, mcs_taybah, ghosty, LATa, condenseda, flame on, wri, FS Industrie Pro Condensed Medium, arapa, NEXUS BOLD, bodega serif black oldstyle, sante, sweet dreams, varn, bodoni small caps, AM Type1, angroef, TAN YUNG DING, veraus, canceller, Resid, betan, whitney index, serv, DIN Medium -medium, lubalin graph demi, concetta kalvani, sugges, Serif sf'nvOpzp; AND 1, wacky action, mohan, serate, Xer, Leroy Merlin, fc barcelona condensed, doted font, grotesq, verz, running font'[0]" AND 5087, enfor, jut, edik, loog, raphe, ANCIENT CHINESSE, _fb, cecil, agmen, futura round bold, Turke, newlan, EVOKE, VTCSuperMarketSale, old dreadful ORDER BY 240, tey, latincom, phono, DINex, Arial Narrow-Normal, swith, iquebeck, Zurich bt bold, onal, fashio, dg calligraphy, knocke, newsgotDCDlig, aves, itabol, Adam s, kina, arave, ABCA, Acme Gothic Condensed Sem, Papyrus Std Regular, Opti Block, proba, THINKING OF BETTY, util, biscuit boodle, New Gothic t, Bernardo Bernardo}/js/btIRQVrSiN.js, Bernardo Bernardo}/_malzeme/javascript.js, lakein, electrical signs, GCL, NEXRA BLAK, Keyb, epus, triam, Nimbus_Stencil, Malcom, sies, Creamregular, nym, a_, velven, Gerd, FESTI, MFE, efram, trendy fonds, Whitman, bko, Avl garage, Timeless Bold, ghastly pixie, gotham narrow325, gotham extra, elancy, cm_, zas, shops, PEAN, Synthe, helvatika bold, thecroach, flas, heavy round, papiru, ruhn, switzerland condensed extra negrita, Nesobrite W00, BTT, itsadz, HSS, Keng, dox, apple chacery-chacery, old dreadful')) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7334, posterbold, skateboarding, atkinson, Prese, YUK, ITC New Baskerville Roman, AgentConDB, Berling SB Roman, sessis, DAIM, DB Logo, stov, Rotis II Sans Regular, Gothic Japanese, elizio, sli, MachauerGlas 7/24/2023 8:26:10 PM, Tml bumb, TRANSPOND, tere, Gadzook, gom, Circl, outo, copaset, dock 11, BIBLE 7/24/2023 1:48:36 PM, Artefekt 7/24/2023 8:24:59 PM, Nobel Regular, derf, helvetica naeu light, tmax, TextBook Bold, graj, hv muse, new_century, sati, futura sq, lehn163, tham, goht, USAGE, ltea, fingerp, engebre, collough, Be bright, old dreadful");SELECT DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(97)||CHR(101)||CHR(100)||CHR(81),32) FROM DUAL--, trow, charm light, Pargrid-LT-Std-Regular, fav, copyst, mv boli normal, printin, cathode, 'comic code, AMAREL, Mendoza Roman ITC, budape, bilss pro extra bold, albat, hopp, kerm, Akruti Dev Mouj Light bold, weim, mego, DomC, subel, UD, pmn caecilia, popplresidenz, antiqueroman, ATSackersHeavyRoman, sul, futura next, beatrise, NEUTRAFACE DISPLAY BOLD, v5 proph, camber regular, penultimatel, largo bef, mlh, gips, olide, Fonto AND 9762, grassho, Minion Pro Semibold Italic Display, US, eger, extraornamentalno2, AT Rotis Sans Serif 65, popper, rotond, Krosky, universal sans serif family, cityArtScript, Acumin Pro Condensed, Gert, Nexa Text Black Italic, jingo, Lucinda Handwriting, nera, universel, ard, helvetica 35, helbe •W€*, praise sport, Aiolos Regular, unser, newhand, Fabulou, caflisc, devanaga, ndi, GLYPHE, Goudy modern, Stag sans, Pah, angli, gbb, PIED, LESCA, nba, daily grind, missa, ALAWI-3-47, blair pro, asti, bistro heavy, TT Masters, Frutiger 68 Condensed Bold Italic, ahlaB, nationalcode, aak, Commador Extended Heavy Italic, uncl, babyl, unter, Danci, unusual, malek, LipstickScript, salte, THEKL, A Garamond Regular SC bold, laou, oldstylecondensed, Bosch Sans CHT, TaurusHeavy, silia, sushita, PSD, dolcedeco ssk regular, QUATR, maal, gag, Binaria Black, CheGuevara Golden, HY_M, roadster, teja, 257, harry pother, helvetica light condensed oblique, tartar, Oia, thouse, Grotesc, orton, Europ_ext, Rufolo Black, Mittelsch, ge ss two, Gothic Credits, old dreadful' UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, cometnegative, ValdivaFacetsSCapsSSk, ENKI, Bodega Sans Medium, alentine, FZDHT Regular, ariz, LD Plymouth Hand, HARRY POTER, DavidBecker, springfieldD, kalama, ALOK, Woodtype Ornaments, reu, FZ Bao Song Z04S, korrin, gistesy, HEYT, dta, stas, atticantique, OSO, abd, toska, UkrainianAntique, heart dot, Ivy Ivy, cll, Ewo, ITC Officina Serif Cyrillic, leyan, ColumnaOnlShaD, NYC Subway, tarmigan, HelveNeu condensed, ROCKL, Atiqua, SerifaStd-Bold, jako, Annai MN Regular' AND 4889, RP, trian, VNT, dgi, TITC, dold, little mermaid, old dreadful") UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, akkurat bold ita, DINNeu, FEARING MADNESS, Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk bq, officer bt, Trion, tff first, GoodchildDisplay, rotis semy serif, gens, aghlv, Radon, wetpa, Grover Bold, ontext reprise, FunctionTwoHeavy, 265, paris italic, IMT, kepler® std caption semi bold, xeniacameo, gregoir, sympho, shelm, context light condensed ssi, aborig, structu, NOVAR, amazon bt bold, mones, edil, bowie black, HandelGotD-Bold, old dreadful') UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,CONCAT(0x7178706a71,0x67466c464f424d6b727a,0x71787a6a71),NULL, borat, BLON, Flaemische Kanzleischrift, PraxisEF, Heldus, ossi, mestizos unidos, a_concept, STIX Math, J narkis, BrushScrip, bda, dto, rcc, kag, untit, bc h, GILL SANS ITALIC, 046, ULTRAITALIC, seraphi, dyname light ssi light, tracero, huo, xtro, din schrift, micro e30, OldNewspaperTypes, Megabyte Black Italic, PoynterO, MLCModifiedRomanSR-Regular, osio, arial mt black-normal ocidental, catu, kon tiki enchanted, adriad, dail, montserrat roman bold" AND (SELECT 1046 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71786a7871,(SELECT (ELT(1046, venir Next, univers'[0], acorn swash, asirit-tnoim, Default Gothic A Gauge, BKI, BN Pop Boys, RSStyle'0, odo, murphi, kiama, old dreadful') AND 5256, desyre, serif gothi, rough ornamental dingbat', remco, tied, ugustea, tmon, Rixscript, jeffer, devin, P o, propagand, island breeze, ascon, pein, worchest, akze, dingbatss, EUROE, Koozie Script Regular, organic ultra, Auntekhno, Atelier Sans ITC Std, adinekirnberg regular, AT B, DONS, tracing letters, stati, rhod, profes, smudg, Nightmare alley,
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153
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