En �ok Arananlar flatline sans, skippy sharpie, old dreadful)) RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (2243, Order de Depart, helvetica neueue, ntima, gotm, anks, URWBeta, anneke, othe, Nimbus_Roman_Becker, Betm-Regular, Garre, asplin plain, jewe, Kidstar regular, magic love, schil, helvatika black blod, SEBASTIAN TEXT BOLD ITALIC, frankling, ordo, Feuer, reta, Elium, SansTh, booga, 302, britanniabold, turki, OPTILuciusAd-Light191.101.104.707/24/2023 11:25:06 AM, bangaSSK, typo line, 701, greyh, NgoBol, seasonal, LYTpe Scape 1, abraca, interstatecon, haas unica, avalon two fett, avant guarde gothic, FZHuangCao-S09, postantiqua, necia, phanto, GE Handsome Script', Xpital, manhat, maryle, SF Compact, arial rounded MT standard, switzerlandinserat, sea dog, Formata Pro Bold font, syco, mphasi, 545 GOTHIC, carnat, a_plakat, Hoefler Titling Light, biao kai, mr leopold, banshees, TRICKY D, placebo, amica, montserrat roman bold PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(8849,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71786a7871,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8849, doope, nick j, CTR, hith, Tecti, ITCâ?¦, JP, ITCAvantGardeStd-Demi, neuzeit_, nove, textli, handelgotcomdlig, HADFI, belv, bodox, THUG191.101.104.2287/24/2023 7:46:31 AM, cheappro, FUTURA MdC BT, ALIZ, agena, mlc scotchkut government, Ballen Mono, BLISS/webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff, neath, Nimbus_Sans_Becker_, nimbussan, ld no, repti, berry smoothie, cler, floods, 128C, borh, urw accidalia buc round154.62.106.737/24/2023 9:30:43 PM, toll, front desk, saria, ITCâ?¦, Calluna Sans, Pretorian DT, Onion Mill, toRRE, coronetPS, vogu, grecoten, idel, futura cirylic, fontast, gue, fETTEeNGS, phoenix script, loft191.101.104.1187/24/2023 1:42:43 PM, multin, nud mont, goto, potatoe, old dreadful OR ROW(9807,3786)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7178706a71,(SELECT (ELT(9807, wund, aproj, SilentiumPro-RomanII, nudge, tagger, NOGR, Superfly Font, Annai MN Regular AND 3778, suls, myriadpro bold cond, Fontis, airstreamitc, SA B, dibsdisplay, Harmond bold italic extra expanded, arial türk, AGENCYFB BLACK COMPRESS, FS Cl, yvesscript, running font'[0]" AND 2865, PG_Didona_Cyr illic, ryo gothic plus n, olida, TRABAN, ariel türkçe, 00500, fals, rd-bold, function regular, ITCâ?¦, mgs4brush, alma, bosan, piate, ippo, barcelo, Motorol, rosemar, masi, handyma, chk, nez, calie, bodonistd-bold, STANDARDS, hibru, guttman stam/webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff2, razy, Az Postcard, DisplayCapsSSi, sf intel, visi, ae_furat, itc tomism, nuan, sophist, ddu, yans, kaleid, yae, typewriter type, whee, LANDIN, oldstyle 1, Ultimatum Regular, ranklingothic, aunchanted Xspace thin191.101.104.2287/24/2023 7:47:34 AM, Broadway T', candid l, wildth, BRAZOS, istam, elh, LatinoElongated, cription, pincel azul normal, Marian, recoleta alt regular, ArtScriptC, Hamburg_bold, iome, elektrofan, de sa, aristokrat, TibetanBeef, aeri, swedish, DINCondensedVF Regular, empori, Durkin, GERTINA, VICTORIAN CURSIVE, my lady, MAGAZINEHEAVY, franklin ghotic heavy-normal, Benton Sans Compressed book, old dreadful' AND 2793, silica bold, ESSENDINE BOLD, kelm, AnakeimDisplay, chinese brush font, LAKESHORE ITALIC, californ, oldstylec, Annai MN Regular') AND 8664, adventur, Cleancu, akim, Thordis Sans EF SemiBold, lump, ITCâ?¦, times bq bold, 00703-normal, kepler® std caption semi bold, snippetscript, syrel, national codes, list-G,1, erasure, murphyscri, FRENCH111 BT, IW_Hadar, AGbenguiatcyr BOld, tomato gr, acci, ">alert(1), belindatype, Square721 BdEx BT Bold, heretic, mates, ld tp, world war 2, CASUALS, Ebb, saint-andrew, ageo, Copperd, ran d, dotted tracing, ALLIANZ NEON, myriad pro black condensed, galax, Latienne EF bold, Circe contrast, GINZAdemo, Kaleido, narki, whirlyg, polterge, gothom medium, EanBwrP7, AT S, Serpe, NumbSkull, wilhelmklings, starb, kspe, onorm, rss, fantabulous, Ara bold, Academy Old Narrow, CgSymposia, corpi, delete, tt firs neue, montserrat roman bold((.,.,('(", pioneer mt, Architype Renner, Agency FB Black Condensed, page/3113, lieu, ef-, klapt, bold-bold, page/3123, baskerville bold norma, HemiHeadFourTwentySix, sansp, ANTONIO MOUNTBATTEN SH, tennesse, wilero, cgstratfo, OPTIS, iwa, Clearface Gothic LT Std Light, a_LancetOtl, beton std, ROMAN SCRD, neudo, Backha, RodinNTLG Pro DB, isac, (SELECT 8823 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7176706271,(SELECT (ELT(8823, bauhausheavy, Helvetica Condensed Turk, JackLantern, ITCâ?¦, c t, edera, Biergärten Rotalic Condensed Font - FFonts.net, AidaSerif, lemb, bicl, merku, Metal Box, NewMilleniumSchlbkSH, RexliaFree-Regula, giamba, repor, ITCâ?¦, erod, awesom, InterFace Ott, draKE 7 BOLD, helvetica conden, Glamour Absolute Extended', All serif font'nvOpzp; AND 1, artificessk, shrews, Manson regular, as_, Stranger creature, Athene, dobb, cgtr, progressive bold, typewriters, NumbersIndicia, clampett, ols, workout, Ropa Mix Pro SC Regular, starsandst, Bernard Modern, prestigeelit, aa b, Geeves, MISL, Cannoli Regular, Bodoni Classic E, Pro Condensed Bold, seme cursive, naue, CABold, ADED, edgewa, playbill bt, lider, wallow bold, pend, megas, breve display, sien, pagean, Scneidler, Annai MN Regular') ORDER BY 1, - 3d, featured item, forte regular, Switserland extra condensed, itc 2apf dingbats, quats, 0783, sinem, times new romance, uong, page/220, hehe, elsto, dnealianregular, writee, nefix, moso, Screwe, bdie, vanill, smidge, awes, ChileanBugs, FS Industrie Condensed Medium'', humb, Mahronix, ITCâ?¦, albatros, KeplerStd-LightExtDisp, tuff bold italic, Shadowe, onc, orphe, abcprint teacher, Freefo, skratc, MA, b s, Megaman, ipo, minut, staylist gujrati front, https:/fontbundles.net/corgi-astronaut/145226-luma-thin-font, ITCâ?¦, Huttese., dage, Modern Uncial, cheru, Kosh, antipode, Charlotte Bold italic, Eurostile Bold Cn, Rühl Leipzig, sans_heavy, bordeau, always together bold, elate, varian, greyscaleba, ACI TYPE'nvOpzp; AND 1, respec, KingsFont125, Jenson Meduim, ninten, corbel light 16, blokad, Revenge lightning, CDPlay09, Chivo Bold, isetta, zapf intl itc, Zapf International EF, shr, sinc, burnst, embo, Grunge brush handwritten, YoungZaphod, choolbook, officina sans book, Avantgarde Bk BT-Normal ', verm, dolphi, weit, Grunge brush, carti, heart stone, allen future font, sensei, bellbottom.laser, haetten, axtkar, aksen, snork, handel_becker, borne, wase, 1942, keed, boken, Onions, orba, montserrat roman bold") AND 2224, adhc39b, leakage, 'kids color, BN A, ITCâ?¦, Heartbre, GEOGRAPHICA, Script bíblico, Manolete, the bystander, 'IMA ISO GPS No Frame Regular, ITCâ?¦, JuliusCondensed, craft retro vintage, Ave Fedan, futura türkçe, chsans, ABRIC, JASM, mouth breather bb, Clarendon BT- Bold, ERGET, hasler, mcs_freedom, glan, lapointe, Bitstream Arrus, hebrew esther, TRONE, wolga, otro, vagar, casu, Zorea MF Medium A, SLIMM, kest, EuroBodDCDReg, base 9 sans, spiderm, doctorjekyl, 1800, fontoscrude, angos, MPK, errow, Uk_baltica, Maternellecolor creuse, novell, Baskerville Ten Pro italic, guttman mantoba, leroybrown, Gill Sans BQ, UHY, PointedBrush, Lorimer No 2 Condensed, classic comic bold, randal, qual, DanceParty, Billy Signature Régulier, perrygothi, gium, CCUS, capcon, Slam Semi, pcmi, vites, punjab, MX BMX, pentago, kock, pcm', elec, a_Machina, charleswor, amai, effra std, SV, reporter lt std two-bold, arounded, ITCâ?¦, Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN W3, etching, theNa, orby, Core Sans A 75, linis, a_Antique, XA, Brank, TIMOTHEO, blippoblad, capita, Porcine Bosk, aj, da biao song, fantaisieartistique, shant, forgetmeno, https:/www.fontyukle.net/font/Avant-Gar-Got-Itc-TEE, orado, TERBU, 'Script it, wildsewerage, kathe, LesterBold, New WGL4, Glutton, LibreSansSerifL, Helvetica Neue LT Pro 76 Bold Italic, ld party time, brillian, rons, coupon, Cheltenham Becker Oldstyle italic, Neo Suns, bookjacket, abeh, portmanteau, amsterdam thre, kai ti, Agency FV, ludwig light, Neutra Stencil, letra tipo, ensched, ipp, guttman gefanim, dewane type, 24 h, CHISELE, DFKaiSho-UB, granate, Galliard Bold BT, serif cyrillic, Administer191.101.104.2407/24/2023 8:17:51 PM, 1820 modern, Dimitri, MCS_JEDDAH_S_I_NORMAL, augustea bq, dirty2, abs arrows dotted lined, Aileron heavy, Carita, tr times new, smooch sans, frutiger next regular, nint, futura T bool, helvetica neue condensadanegrita, Adobe ?? Std L, dreame, linth, bi sans caps, Gymna, Adobe ?? Std L, aantique, kroni, arant, Annai MN Regular') RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (4264, essenti, loosi, SA P, century retrospective light, moderntypewriter-, EOW, verda, ping hei light, Ff Blur Light medium, leisu, MARILIN MONROE, ferru, bodoni mt italic, Nanoscrip, ephemer, ld bi, Blondi, Abc CursiveDotted, LTC Jenson, HANSA/wp-content/plugins/dzs-zoomsounds/wp-content/plugins/dzs-zoomsounds/savepng.php, eward, ms d, MARIAGEANTD, MCS Shafa E_U normal., dated, shero, pulpfiction, Seventies Regular, pout, ehra, LD timely regular, cubis, ldoutline, oceanv, suggar, bold bold, maximili, Fonto WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5'-- IEhZ, pirh, Engel New, ITCâ?¦, black mud brush, Futura Condensed BQ Regular, vint, UkrainianFuturis Extra Bold, OhGoody, minion pro semibold, Third Rail, gili_, chille, Garamond Book Narrow, venirbold, bodaci, sassoon sans plain, Conover SSK, Glasse, Brookman, tahoma bold,, skiny rae, Neutrif Studio, techmono, DFPOP1 W9, THE FREE SPIRITS, bliss pro extrabold, Andulka Sans, bfont, flami, gia b, subwaylondon, lamar, akzidenz-grotesk ce, Trade Gothic Bold OBLIQUE Condensed No. 20, Lockhart normal, ALBERTAWIDE, myraid variable concept semi, calgary otf, vear, TFHabitat, hoefl, bengu, ld gl, shelly volanti, ms tr, AS RO, broder, old dreadful);SELECT SLEEP(32), TradeGothic Bold, TULANG, sonci, starma, heraldus, gelato rush, Oranienbaum, audima, hambe, torus bold, Brice Black Expanded, ayalonmf, american texy, mplan, jungl, chero, Akvaleir_regular, staple, artef, gardner, chaparra, itari, melbour, Futar, gantic, lithogr, ITCâ?¦, berthold akzidenz grotesk be light condensed italic, Caliba, A 5, telan, Matchboo, ocr_, korne, clut, pclifetelemarines, ElectricCircus, ITC Serif Regular, Benton Sans Regular, Symbol-Normal, chri, old dreadful');SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--, Klepon/**/ijo') AND EXTRACTVALUE(9120,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71626b7071,(SELECT (ELT(9120, harman script, lakewobegon, handel gothic heavy, bailey sans itc tt book, AbbeyMedium, old dreadful';WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--, Gosthel Dry Brush, Shic, harma, roughwo, cocal, Erika Bold, religious cross, QTTIME, black pink signature, Newtow, findus/webfonts/fa-solid-900.ttf, Ultrab, Corro, Sneakers Max, NewsGoth XCn, kapla, WindemereScriptSSK, godo, kaligrap, maduoETRA, freeport-normalex, mrblaketon, ld tv, proforma light, lons, blackm, Noto san, lehn116, selda, sadfilm, GURMU, Search Result For 'Helvetica Neue LT Std, jfsummer, running font'[0]") AND 2865, mobil, lechte, ITCâ?¦, wrapp, pesh, lavishlyyoursrob, heavene, antes condensed, AGA AL 7/24/2023 1:11:53 PM, FOT-Humming Std D/_malzeme/jquery.lazyload.js, Zaph Dingbats, DMT Shuei Gothic Gin Std, rockw, FS Me Pro Heavy, spif, manz, perp, ITCâ?¦, ando, TArabian, corrois gothic, test'UvPjvoUyfrhQvkB, ff the, kiss and tell, simpleman, DEUC, Tabas, ptm, profonts, actio, old dreadful') AND 1427, ITCâ?¦, A DODGER, cancon, rajans, old dreadful ORDER BY 280, BalladeerW00 Medium*, cherishing moments, textpro, UMS, Compacta Lt BT Light, KUNT, mabella normal, FultoonHmk, myga, kindel script, adore italic, scot Grotesk A, minecraftia, Zen Kaku Gothic Antique, Hug me fight, IR m, elleni, morti, Dreaming Outloud Script Slanted Alt, a_mec, HegelLight, matel, Pass The Port Complete Family Pack, Fonts available at This web site are either GNU/GPL, Freeware, free for Personal use, Donationware, Shareware or Demo. Although we have indicated the license type, please make sure to double check it by reading the information shown in the details area of, tituls, hindi saral- 3, chalkdust, Annai MN Regular'GGuqon, Calma 7/24/2023 10:39:04 PM, ludwigsanserif 7/24/2023 6:30:54 AM, intellect, dax condensed extrabold, ITCâ?¦, lefthand, incond, L-Holiday-Pi, League Gothic Italic, Helvetica Neue LT Com 65 Medium, adjut, Fonts available at This web site are either GNU/GPL, Freeware, free for Personal use, Donationware, Shareware or Demo. Although we have indicated the license type, please make sure to double check it by reading the information shown in the details area of, SWIS 72, raige, http:/p.724rc.com/seoforce/triggers/files/c99.txt cupid, Century Gothic Paneuropean Regular, pta, FrakturaFonteria, Ligurino SemiCondensed, STEFANIA ANTIQUE, HURON, synt, Max Semibold, kleptoc, stia/assets/fonts/79c81eb67c8c53b33a29.ttf, rent, ITCâ?¦, emilyaustin, wilton, GOLDb, knocko, gasm, trench, WAKANDA, where stars, ITCâ?¦, ITCâ?¦, weng, -sc, interstate italique, old dreadful') OR EXTRACTVALUE(3121,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7178706a71,(SELECT (ELT(3121, homewar, page/190', ITCâ?¦, pl Switzerland, helveticaneue?condensedbold, tiba, ITCâ?¦, helveticaneue?condensedbold, old dreadful) OR EXTRACTVALUE(3121,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7178706a71,(SELECT (ELT(3121, Bahnschrift Semilight Condensed/_malzeme/bootstrap.min.js, hadith, news gothic condensed bold, Australis Pro Swash Heavy Italic) AND 9363, ITCâ?¦, c f, adwa/webfonts/fa-solid-900.ttf, sothern extra, edle, BEYON, FUTURA NEGRITO, CATHEDRA, Chesterf, Ostl, mistral/, basic gothic, dream script, estilo de signo, topher, corleon, treglo, IN THE, HappyPH, fusata, dictionar, break summer, higothic, leucht, CALLIGRAPHE, Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk — Bold, ITCâ?¦, Australis Pro Swash Heavy Italic)) UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL-- IAqt, ohitashi, PARC, ITCâ?¦, egon bold, Fb Rimona bold, sims, ABO SLMAN Aloma, utis, lien, child hand, poise, auna, ddin, FlyerLTPro BlackCondensed, hosty, montserrat roman bold UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, ghotam black, ineco, Aurore, Helba Light DBNor, Howzat Display Caps SSi'nvOpzp; AND 1, Annai MN Regular AND 4172, Australis Pro Swash Heavy Italic)) UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL-- mCTP, ITCâ?¦, LondonM, marlet, notew, ch l, splif, O presente para o seu PAI está aqui!, warr, Fletchers, hondafont, Paraiso Marbella, pakenh, egular, marilin sans,
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