BurgstaedtAntiqua LT Std Rg Italic

At first glance, Burgstaedt Antiqua looks like an old typewriter face, or rather like a typeface from a typewriter that has gone hopelessly wrong! Only after your second glance will you see this font for what it really is - a thoroughly new text face. Several features of Burgstaedt Antiqua, and its companion italic face, are worth special attention: First, the terminal styles of the letters vary throughout the alphabet. This gives text set in Burgstaedt Antiqua a slightly jittery feeling. A second interesting feature is the lowercase "q", which takes the form of a shrunken-down uppercase "Q". Careful viewing of our specially prepared PDF specimen will reveal even more hidden features! Burgstaedt Antiqua Regular and Burgstaedt Antiqua Italic may be used in both text and headlines. For use in text, we recommend employing a slightly larger point size (12 pt or 14 pt and above). British designer Richard Yeend designed this family in 2002, and both of its fonts are included in the Take Type 5 collection from Linotype GmbH.
Desgined by
Linotype GmbH
Font Name
BurgstaedtAntiqua LT Std Rg Italic
BurgstaedtAntiqua LT Std Rg
Version 1.300;PS 001.003;hotconv 1.0.38
Uploaded on
November 3, 2016
There are no other fonts in this font family.
BurgstaedtAntiqua LT Std Rg Italic

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